Salvation. This word is used in Christian circles quite a bit, but what does it really mean and why do christians say “You need to be saved?”
Saved from what?
To truly understand these statements we have to go back a long way, back to a time where true paradise was. A time of harmony, no fear, no death, and tons and tons of love.
When was this and did these things truly exist?
Yes, they did really exist from two very beautiful people called Adam and Eve.
Now don't turn off before I have to chance to explain.
When the world was created, Elohim (God) the creator made a beautifully perfect world where heaven and earth was intwined to each other.
A powerful vibrant world of increase and beauty was in the middle of this earth. Its name was Eden.I say was because you can no longer find Eden, the reasons for this will be in a mother blog.
The residents of Eden was named so because they were made up of the earth. Adam means earth. Our bodies have 84 minerals, 23 elements and 8 gallons of water divided by 38 billion cells. We literally represent the earth as a person as we were created from the earth. Now let me talk about the other element, our spirit. Adams Spirit came from the great spirit himself Elohim or God (He is neither male or female by the way).
For God made Adam from the earth then breathed his spirit into Adam's nostrils and Adam came to life.
Adam and Eve also lived within the sphere of Heaven while here on earth thats why I say the two were intertwined.
Heaven is the spiritual realm while earth is the material realm. When the two come together it is literally heaven on earth.
So what happened?
Adam and Eve disobeyed Elohim and by doing so heaven retracted from earth. This retraction meant that earth had fallen from heaven. This left a void of the spirit on earth and so death filled the void. There is now no way to heaven. So where does our spirit go when our body dies? Up until the year 1AD all dead humans resided in hell.
Bible Quote
Mathew 27:50 -53
50. Jesus, when He had cried out again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51. And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom, and the earth quaked and the rocks rent.
52. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who slept arose,
53. and came out of the graves after His resurrection, and went into the Holy City and appeared unto many.
This Bible statement shows that the men and women were held in graves.
Where are these graves?
Quite simply, Hell.
So what are you being saved from? Quite simply Hell.