Christian book author in St Albans


Heaven-Earth Connection

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Does it ever feel like there's a great distance between Heaven and Earth—between you and God? Or do you perceive the stories in the Bible as distant tales rather than dynamic accounts of real people grappling with faith? The Heaven-Earth Connection series seeks to bridge that gap, inviting readers to come alongside biblically significant figures and experience their lives in a deeply relatable way.




book cover for The Death of Levi featuring Laurence Stephenson with a dark background and a blue backdrop showcasing literary themes of loss and identity in two dimensions


The Death of Levi

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In my featured Christian novel, The Death of Levi, we follow the story of Levi – also traditionally known as Dismas or the Penitent Thief. This lowly thief is crucified alongside Jesus and experiences an agonising death. In his final moments, he meets a figure who transforms his fate from hell to Heaven. Join Levi on his incredible journey as he discovers the wonders of Heaven and confronts the harsh truths of Hell.




"If you know the stories from the Bible then you'll be intrigued as it's told from a different angle and perspective. Easy to digest. The varied chapters will keep you hooked. Awesome!”

– Joe









A Fresh Look at Heaven to Earth Experiences

Throughout history, men and women have encountered spiritual realms, whether heavenly or hellish. My passion is to help you understand these experiences from a Christian perspective, guiding you to discover your own journey.

Find out more about these experiences here in my recently released Christian novel, The Death of Levi, or read on to know more about the author and other related subjects.




"This book really made me look at the original bible stories in a new light. It was provocative and intriguing and I loved the descriptions of heaven and hell.”

– Alfie Booth


"After reading this I wish I could visit the author's version of Heaven every day! I just loved the musical houses and the different colours and patterns on the angel wings were so beautiful."

- Louise


"This book is easy to read, grabbing, and feels like a constant journey of self-betterment through the understanding of that of which has come before. The book encourages you to get closer to God in an unintrusive fashion. This book felt like a rocket taking off from the very start and was a constant journey to the very end. It feels very fast paced and keeps you hooked to the very end. Thoroughly enjoyable and a book I'd absolutely recommend.”

- Gary Hanks





Author Bookings

I am available for various events, including readings at bookshops and coffee shops, podcasts, church seminars, and school workshops. If you would like to book me for an enlightening session of reading and discussion, please visit the following link for more information.

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man sitting at a microphone in a recording studio smiling headphones on host and guest setup




Catch me on Limitless Faith

Crossing Faiths Podcast with Elliott Toman




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