Christian Spirituality
Books that help you look at biblical stories in a new light
My works
As a devoted Christian author, I have dedicated my life to exploring and sharing the experiences of faith and spirituality in my writings. Through my books, I provide readers with insightful perspectives on biblical stories and the heavenly experiences that lie within.
Embark on a journey towards understanding who Jesus really is, though my works on Christian spirituality, and discover the connection between lives of biblical figures and our own lives. Join me on this enlightening path where each story offers a new perspective on Christian spirituality.
Heaven-Earth Connection
Available Now
Does it ever feel like there's a great distance between Heaven and Earth—between you and God? Or do you perceive the stories in the Bible as distant tales rather than dynamic accounts of real people grappling with faith? The Heaven-Earth Connection series seeks to bridge that gap, inviting readers to come alongside biblically significant figures and experience their lives in a deeply relatable way.
The Death of Levi
The Death of Levi beings us face-to-face with a lowly thief who faces his end on the cross. In his final moments, he encounters a figure who alters his destiny from Hell to Heaven. This book takes readers on an extraordinary journey of Christian spirituality through the wonders of Heaven, guided by Raphael, one of the Archangels.
As Levi discovers the truths about creation and the fall of angels, he meets biblical characters who illuminate the consequences of humanity's choices. These captivating narrative challenges readers to reconsider the original biblical stories, offering a provocative and intriguing experience.